
Thursday, 8 March 2018


                           Technicraft Science
What we need:
Gauze Meth
Ice Cubes
Meth burner
1 balloon
A wet cloth
A dish

Today at technicraft room 7 and I were doing an experiment of hot air balloons
with our science teacher Miss Gawith.

We put our materials in our working hand side and were ready to do our experiment.  
First we lit the meths burner and put the tripod over it. We hand rubbed the ice cube and
put it in the flask. My partner grabbed 1 balloon and stretched it out to make it fit into the
flask properly. The ice cubes started to melt and the balloon was heated by the flames of
the meth burns and it grew bigger and bigger and the balloon popped.

I really enjoyed doing an experiment about hot air balloons because I’ve
experienced something new that I haven’t tried before.

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