
Tuesday, 22 October 2019

All Family is A Gift From God!

Being part of a family is a gift from God, with laughter, love and appreciation we have for each other.  Families are sometimes dysfunctional but the loyalty we have within each other will never stop and the bond will never end.

Loyalty and Trustworthiness is an important value in my family, it is also shown in many different ways with unconditional love.  Loyalty and trustworthiness is about people who stay true to you behind your back. I am always down with you whether you are right or wrong, but I will always be truthful to you and tell you when you are wrong so I can help you get it right. My sister in-law said that she will stay committed to the family and she kept her word.

We have love and respect for each other even when things do not turn out right the first time. House rules in my family help us all be thankful and know that we are loved one by getting hugs and kisses during bad times. Respecting others, defines loyalty and trustworthiness. Respecting others also helps set a good impression of yourself for others.

No family is perfect, we all come in different shapes and sizes. The bond all families have is not one that is perfect, but with respect and love it does come close.

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